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Notice: Use of undefined constant GUESTBOOK - assumed 'GUESTBOOK' in /home/www/ on line 117


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Utah (20/12/2018)

It was the best vacation ever! I love the rooms we got and also the pool that you see all that land at background! I recommend it 100%!

John & Maria (20/12/2018)

One of our best holiday excursions to a natural and traditional settlement and accommodation! The Staff polite and helpful and especially Theodora (the little dauther). We got the best impressions and we all relaxed together! See you soon !

Μπάμπης & Σεβαστή (20/12/2018)

Καταπληκτική θέα και υπέροχοι χώροι ! Περάσαμε σούπερ ! Σας ευχαριστούμε για όλα, πραγματικά κερδίσατε φίλους ! Μπάμπης, Σεβαστή, Νικηφόρος, Σάββας